Meet Garrett
Seeking sustainable solutions
In 2016, Garrett Fox, MPH Candidate in Global Epidemology at Emory University, participated in a research trial on the impact Chispuditos®, a corn- and soy-based weaning formula, could have on the children and families of La Libertad department, El Salvador, a region with alarming rates of anemia, underweight, and stunting among young children.
He observed the partnership between The Mathile Institute, the Ministry of Health (MINSAL), and the Salvadorian Foundation for Health and Human Development (FUSAL), as FUSAL's holistic nutrition program, Libras de Amor, monitored the growth and health of over 4,000 at-risk children across 90 communities.
During monthly visits, half of the mothers enrolled in the program received Chispuditos, while the other half received the current Ministry of Health protocol of fortified cereal, iron sulfate droplets, and vitamin A capsules.
FUSAL staff measured and weighed each child, monitored their blood hemoglobin concentration to address the presence or risk of anemia, and they addressed any health issues such as diarrhea and respiratory infections. Mothers also participated in hands-on education and cooking demonstrations to promote healthier feeding practices for their children.
Garrett also conducted detailed dietary assessments throughout the 90 communities, interviewing mother-child pairs and recording their answers.
Through this research, the Mathile Institute, MINSAL, and FUSAL hoped to gain insights on what nutritional intervention led to better health outcomes.
"After witnessing the impact that the Mathile Institute is having in the lives of thousands of children here in El Salvador, there is no doubt in my mind that they are living up to their creed of creating 'a world where all children have the nutrition they need to survive and thrive.'"
—Garrett Fox